
Why do Southern Baptists oppose Premarital-Sex?

Because it leads to dancing.

Lame, I know. I thought of that joke--a great reminder of what getting caught in the periphery issues can do to your logic--as my parents and I perused the new issue of the Southern Baptist Texan.

Check out this article, or at least just the title.

There is a lot I could take issue with about the SBC and SBTC, but let's just stick with the periphery issues, shall we?

An interesting line from the article about the lengthy discussion banning alcohol at the recent SBC said:
“The use of alcohol as a beverage can and does impede our testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ,” [one supporter] insisted, prompting strong applause from messengers. He called for the amendment’s passage so that messengers might speak to the matter and “leaders might take the high road in our walk with the Lord Jesus.” (emphasis added)

Now, I'm assuming this supporter equates any consumption of alcohol with drunkeness. Also, I suppose that so many in attendance felt that any action that might, or could 'impede our testimony' should be banned in a resolution and passed at the next Southern Baptist Convention.

Another quote:
[Another Supporter] said, “The resolution is to take a stand against something that is destroying our world.” After being interrupted by applause, [he] added, “The resolution states very plainly alcoholism has led to countless deaths on our nation’s highways.”

Now I see. This not only is an issue with personal holiness but also with public safety. Aparently those who choose to partake in alcohol responsibly are still ruining their witness and making the highways unsafe.

So should the SBC ban cell phones, high heels, computers, and coffee shops because they all could lead to sin and might inhibit public safety?

I guess Paul should have consulted with the wise messengers to the SBC before he wrote Romans 14. Who needs to be 'convinced in his own mind'(v5) when the SBC has it all figured out for you??



Bay Area FBC said...

I love your posts brother.
I'm proud to be a part of a denomination that is more biblical than the bible! :)

Bay Area FBC said...

I just noticed that Kathy wrote this post so let me revise my previous comment with "I love your posts SISTER!"

Jenny said...

Perplexing - excellent work.