
Please go to this website!!

Go to this blog and request that the T4G discussions and videos be released!!--Dirk


I'll be posting in more detail about the T4G conference after Tuesdays finals.....stayed tuned--Dirk


One more thing

Next week I and seval others will be going to the Together For The Gospel Conference in Louisville, KY. I read somewhere that Tim Challies will be covering the event on his blog. If that is the case (and I'm not sure if he is) you should not miss it. He did an excellent job covering the Shepard Conference earlier this year. Go check it out.

Also check out his article about the Da Vinci code and hypocrisy of Christians.--Dirk

I'm who??

This cool quiz told me that I'm more like John Knox than any other Scottish theologian.....I'm ok with that. It also says that I'm a Presby....but there weren't any Baptism questions. Oh well. Here ya go: --Dirk

You scored as John Knox. You are John Knox. You are implaccably opposed to the Pope and the 'monsterous Regiment of Women'. (That sounds bad...I like women, just not as the head in ministry--Dirk) You uphold classic Presbyterianism (How can this be??? There weren't any baptism questions!--Dirk)

John Knox


James Orr


Thomas Chalmers


James Denney


Thomas Boston


Which Scottish Theologian are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

(HT: Haykin's Blog)


More Left Behind

I had a long rant about this story here about the new Left Behind Video game, and it got deleted. I guess that was a sign to get back to studying. So I'll leave you with two links. Read the story, decided if it is good. I've got to get back to translating Jonah.

Slice of Laodicea

Left Behind Video game

Ok two thoughts then back to studying

1) Will the players of this game get left behind in serving our Lord? I mean it is hard to run the race if you are sitting blasting the anti-Christ on TV.

2) Consider this quote from John Piper (it goes something like this) "God will not be used as currency for the purchase of idols"

ok back to Jonah--Dirk


Biblical Languages

Dan Phillips over at pyromaniacs has written an interesting blog about Biblical languages and English translations. It is worth your time to read it.

I agree with most of what he is saying from my brief experience with translations. He argues that the translators take away some of the interpretation by the words that they render in English (we all come to scripture with certain presuppositions). I agree with that, but I wonder how else it can be done short of all Christians learning the languages.

I hope that everyone that is serious about studying the Bible will at least become "workable," as I call it, in the original Bible languages. I know that not everyone will be fluent in the languages, but I think we should at least be able to understand how the language works so that we can translate and do word studies with the help of some tools (dictionaries, BibleWorks, etc).

I say all this above but want to make very clear that overall I think we have good translations into English. Many Godly men way smarter than me have worked years on making that possible. I never want to come off as saying that all translations are bad, they aren't. But we should be careful and know what type of translation we are using, its intent, and pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will illuminate it to us.--Dirk


No WHAT?!?!

As I waited for my coffee yesterday at Starbucks I saw this story. It tells of the Gospel of Judas. This gospel doesn't speak of the betrayal....look at the picture in this story. Maybe it is because that part is now a huge hole!

On a serious note you can read what Dr. Hamilton says about it at his



What in the world??? Should we study the BIBLE?

I don't have the time to blog as much as I want, so this will be brief. I really like getting in on the discussion of many things in the blog world. I use my study breaks to read other blogs and keep up with current discussions. It has also proven to be a great way to read writing by some of today's most brilliant theologians. Unfortunatly, there have been times when I have been disappointed in some of the things I find on these blogs and on the internet in general. For example on Justin Taylor's blog (he is a great blogger by the way, not a bad one :)) he posted on the trend of pastorial plagiarism in the contemporary church. Justin Taylor linked to Ray Van Neste's blog which led me to find this article on Rick Warren's website for pastors, which was the cause for disappointment, NOT JUSTIN TAYLOR'S BLOG (it is excellent).

I was shocked and speachless (at first) to see that Mr. Sjogren, the author, was advocating the use of other preacher's sermons. So what is the problem you may ask? My first initial shock was the thought of plagiarism. Then as I pondered what was being said my heart was heavy because worse than the use of other's materials was the push for pastors not to study. Pastors, nay Christians, that do not study the Word of God may be the biggest problem we face in contemporary Christianity! I hope that this article by Mr. Sjogren is seen for what it really is, a call for Christians to be lazy and apathetic to the statutes of the Bible! Please read it with caution, if you dare to venture to it.

On a side note, why is there a copywrite at the bottom if Mr. Sjogren says we can use anything of this we want??????

I may try to post on the newest fad at 2nd Baptist Houston next if I can find the time. 85 million for a building seems a bit over the top doesn't it?--Dirk