
What's up with people??

I decided that I am going to keep a running list of outrageous things people say to me while I'm pregnant. I've got two already:

1. "Are you expecting? I mean, you've always been able to keep your weight down..." (I was only 8 weeks pregnant--I mean, what if I wasn't!?!)
2. "Are you sure you're not carrying twins? You look a lot bigger than you should for being only 15 weeks. You should have them check for twins." (HELLO! I get that I'm getting bigger, couldnt you point that out in a more tactful way, or better yet--keep it to yourself?!?)

In all honesty, I'm not huge. I think my long torso was made to look pregnant, but I'm not that big. And NO, I will not be doing those side shots of my belly until I'm at least 5 months pregnant.



Robin said...

People really need to think before they speak. Has anyone tried to touch your stomach yet? My friends with kids tell me all kinds of people (strangers included) will touch them without even asking. That is creepy. I think that warrants a smack with the purse or whatever is handy.

thelittlefields said...

Or maybe my a smack with my fist. --Dirk

Ched said...

Humorous take on this.

thelittlefields said...

I talk a big talk, but I don't think I would really hit anyone. --Dirk

Jamie said...

I'm impressed that Baby Littlefield has already started his (but most likely her--I'll just go on the record with my opinion) own blog! I saw it on the blogroll and I thought, "You must be so proud!" In-utero blogging...amazing!

Someone patted my stomach and my first instinct was to try to suck in because that's what I've been doing with my stomach for the past 15 years...then I realized I couldn't :)

Joe Kennedy said...

well hey, look at me playing catch up. congrats!