
Guilded Age of Christianity

I know Dirk is the one who normally does all the links to other articles, I felt compelled to point out this post at Slice of Laodicea(if you dont check it out regularly, you ought to) . Ingrid does a great job at discussing the perils of our own Guilded Age of Christianity that we as Americans are in the midst of. Please read and join us in prayer. --Kathy


Jamie said...

OK--I posted, Kathy. Go read it!

Jonathan Moorhead said...

Agreed. That is good stuff.

Ryan said...

Nice blog, folks. I didn't know you had one. But as expected, it's quite good and deep. I am adding it to my favorites.

Good to see you kids yesterday, btw.

Jenny said...

Hmmm . . .

May we have spiritual eyes to see the world as God sees it. I agree with the article.

- thanks